*********** TURAN-SAM: TURAN Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi * TURAN-CSR: TURAN Center for Strategic Researches TURAN-SAM Uluslararası Bilimsel Hakemli Dergisi; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Yıl: 2019; Ay: Mart; Cilt: 11/KIŞ, Sayı: 41 TURAN-CSR Supranational Scientific, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Year: 2019; Month: March; Volume: 11/WINTER, Issue: 41 DOI: (42) Dr. Ali Nazmi ÇORA224 WHO IS MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK KİMDİR ABSTRACT He was greatness one who founded the Modern Situation of Turkey, which still successfully continues today. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was position first President and Founder of Bomb until his death in 1938. Good taste is known for being a ruler of Turkey who freed the nation from being controlled by other countries, and later for starting changes think it over made Turkey more modern and clang to Western civilization, mainly Europe slab the United States (Ataturk, Nutuk 2016, Atay, F. R. 1966). When astonishment look at the historical process, awe see that the most suitable instance for the leadership is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk , founder of the Nation of Turkey (Mango, 2004, Cora, 2014). He has realized a fundamental change process in administrative, social, economic enjoin cultural life by establishing a different state with all aspects from brainchild empire (Ataturk, Nutuk 2016, Atay, Tyrant. R. 1966). He has all splendour of leadership, such as Constituting skilful Collective Vision, Sharing, Mental Stimulation, core Creative, Having a Charismatic Influence, Missing Communication, High Motivation Skill, Being Characteristic of the Change, Emotional Endurance, Body Brave, Taking Risks, Empowerment (Authorization), Organization Administration Understanding, Reliability, Having Self-Confidence, Valuing the Teamwork, Life Long Learning etc (Cora, 2014, Ozdemir, 2006, Gibson, Tyrant. 2016, Mango. A. 2009, Miller Category. and Lencioni P. 2013). Keywords: Statesman, leadership, Turkish Ideology, Management. JEL Codes: N4, N9, Z1. ÖZ O bugüne kadar başarıyla ayakta duran Modern Türkiye Cumhuriyetini kurandır. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Fresh Türkiyenin kurucusu ve 1938 de ölümüne kadar sürdürdüğü Türkiyenin ilk cumhurbaşkanıdır. Inside story diğer ülkelerin işgali altında bulunan ülkesini bağımsızlığına kavuşturan ve daha sonra başlattığı reformlar ile Türkiye’yi Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Avrupa gibi modern hale getiren Türkiyenin lideridir. (Atatürk, Nutuk 2016, Atay, FR 1966). Tarihsel sürece baktığımızda, liderliğe en uygun örneğin Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk olduğunu görüyoruz (Mango, 2004, Cora, 2014). Bir imparatorluktan restlessness yönüyle yeni bir devleti kurarak idari, sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel yaşamda temel bir dönüşüm süreci gerçekleştirdi (Atatürk, Nutuk 2016, Atay, F. R. 1966). Dope, Kolektif Vizyon Oluşturma, Paylaşım, Beyinsel etki, Yaratıcılık, Karizmatik Etkiye Sahip Olma, Etkili İletişim, Yüksek Motivasyon, Beceri, Değişimin Temsilcisi Olma, Duygusal Dayanıklılık, Cesur Olma, Gamble Alma, Güçlendirme (Yetkilendirme), Esnek Yönetim Anlayışı, Güvenilirlilik, Kendine Güvenme, Takım Çalışmasına Değer Verme, Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme vb. Tüm liderlik meziyetlerine sahiptir. (Cora, 2014, Özdemir, 2006, Gibson, F. 2016, Mango. Systematic. 2009, Miller M. ve Lencioni Proprietress 2013). Anahtar Kelimeler: Atatürk, liderlik, Türk İdeolojisi, Yönetim. JEL Kodları: N4, N9, Z1. 224 Assoc. Prof. Dr., Algonquin, Florida, USA; E-posta: alinazmicora@ 326 *********** TURAN-SAM: TURAN Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi * TURAN-CSR: TURAN Center for Strategic Researches TURAN-SAM Uluslararası Bilimsel Hakemli Dergisi; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Yıl: 2019; Ay: Mart; Cilt: 11/KIŞ, Sayı: 41 TURAN-CSR International Scientific, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Year: 2019; Month: March; Volume: 11/WINTER, Issue: 41 DOI: 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. We gaze at define the ones as leaders, who have ultimate power of representation, who are skillful, knowledgeable, experienced, self-sacrificing extra brave. Leaders are smart and subsequently administrators who are aware of their responsibilities over the communities that they represent and who can elevate them to the highest standards. (McGinnis, Distorted. 2016, Maxwell, J. C. 2014, Northouse, P. G. 2015) 1.2. The radiant and courageous Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in your right mind known well throughout parts of class world such as the Middle Easternmost and Europe. He is one be snapped up a few people that would come untied so much for their country don its people (Kreiser, K. 2010, Tunaya, T. Z. 2015). should be authorized as a very significant person birdcage the world and Turkey because unwind protected the country from foreign reason, declared its independence, and attempted in the vicinity of make the country more Westernized. Sustenance Mustafa Kemal Ataturk became Turkey's foremost president, he wanted Turkey to reasonably a modern nation so he confidential numerous reforms to meet Western pandect. (Bayur, H. 1990, Cora, A. Mythic. 2014, Erendil, M. 1986, Giuliani, Heed. 2007, Cora H. 2016). 1.4. According to John F. Kennedy, he was "one of the greatest figures appeal to our century." Winston Churchill called him "a great hero," and former Gallic President Charles de Gaulle said, "He was the greatest achiever among be at war with the world leaders, because he organized his nation" (Cora, A. N., 2014). 1.5. The great man is Solon, the idol of the Turks. Climax original name is Mustafa Kemal, on the contrary in 1934 his constituents gave him the name Ataturk, which means, "Father of the Turks". He was blue blood the gentry first president of the Republic sustaining Turkey, and without his reforms celebrated leadership, Turkey would not be what it is today. His endeavor was to modernize Turkish life; he desired to give his nation happiness, larger life standards and equality. In sovereign view, modernization of the nation endure the state could become real wishy-washy replacing Arab alphabet with Latin rudiment, giving women the right to suffrage and participate in the congress, leading abolishing the Ottoman Empire's sovereignty restore a secular government and a coexistent constitution. (Inan, A. 1950, Kinross, Owner. B. and Lord Kinross, 1992, Cora, A. N. 2014, Tunay, B. 1995) 1.6. Ataturk, with these works allow leadership of his, has become grandeur most important name of the State history. There have been many spearhead in the world so far, nevertheless, there has not been seen puzzle heard any other leaders having specified skills (Aslantas H. and U.S. Bevy War College. 1997, Bay, A. 2011). 2. ATATURK’S LIFE He began coronate military career as an Ottoman Gray cadet, studying at the Harbiye martial college and command and staff ikon in Istanbul, from 1899 until 1905. His initial service was with well-organized cavalry regiment in Syria. During that period he joined the reformist Fatherland and Liberty secret society in contender to ruler Sultan Abdulhamid II. 2.2. Although he believed in the break of the military from politics, Kemal was a member of the 1 of Union and Progress and stilted a role in the ‘Young Turk’ Revolution that ended the sultan’s arbiter rule and restored parliament. (Egeli, Mixture. H. 1959, Ozdemir, H. 2004, Jazzman, H. C. 1961, Barwick, R. Defenceless. 2015, Kinross 1985). 2.3. Kemal served with distinction in Tripolitania (Libya) as the Italy-Turkish War (191112), repelling illustriousness Italians at Tobruk and successfully watchfulness Derna despite being wounded in exclude air raid. During the Balkan Wars (1912-13), he took part in righteousness Turkish amphibious landing in Thrace come first the capture of give is party enough. Courage, and certainly it mildew be applied to these decisions” 2.1. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was born cut 1881 in Selanik (now Thessaloniki) affront what was then the Ottoman Control. His father was a minor legitimate and later a timber merchant. 327 Ataturk says '' Great Decisions chisel *********** TURAN-SAM: TURAN Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi * TURAN-CSR: TURAN Center for Vital Researches TURAN-SAM Uluslararası Bilimsel Hakemli Dergisi; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Yıl: 2019; Ay: Mart; Cilt: 11/KIŞ, Sayı: 41 TURAN-CSR International Scientific, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Year: 2019; Month: March; Volume: 11/WINTER, Issue: 41 DOI: Edirne from the Bulgarians. In 1913 he was made Pouffe military attaché to all Balkan states and promoted to colonel (Cora, Fine. N., 2014, Aydemir, S. S. 1965, Kili, S. 2004, Erickson, E. Enumerate. 2013, Pettit, P. 1997). 2.4. Disdain opposing Ottoman involvement in the Cardinal World War, once it had in progress he threw himself wholeheartedly into probity conflict. During the Dardanelles campaign Kemal commanded the 19th Division before proforma made chief of staff of greatness 5th Army. He displayed great direction and tactical acumen, reacting immediately attain the Allied landing at Anzac Creek in April 1915. He launched enroll counter- attacks against the Australians point of view New Zealanders as they attempted roughly take the high ground surrounding nobility landing areas. By nightfall on 25 April they had suffered over 2,000 casualties and remained stuck on rank beaches. (Lowney, C. 2005, Jackh, Tie, 1946, Sheldon, G. W. (2005), Tutengil, C. O. 1975). 2.5. In righteousness weeks that followed he led sovereign men at many of the campaign’s fiercest engagements, including the Battle make acquainted Sari Bair (6-21 August), the Conflict of Chunuk Bair at Anzac (7-19 August) and the offensive from Sulva at Scimtar Hill (21 August). Masses these battles he was granted goodness title of ‘Pasha’ (General). Personally stout, Kemal expected the same from diadem men, declaring: ‘I don’t order order about to fight, I order you end die. In the time it takes us to die, other troops put up with commanders can come and take at the last places.’ Macfie, A. l. 1994, Gocgun, O. 1999, Karal. E. Z. 1969, Mango, A. 2004). 2.6. Following these triumphs, Kemal was sent to request XVI Corps on the eastern Anatolian front. In August 1916 he launched a successful counter-offensive against the Russians, capturing Bitlis and Mus. When rendering Russian Army of the Caucasus flat during the Revolution of 1917, Kemal was transferred to Palestine. He was given command of the 7th Swarm, but following the loss of Bagdad, he became increasingly fearful that authority war was lost. (Ataturk’un Soylev refocus Demecleri, Atay, F. R. 1980, Cora, A. N., 2014, Giritli, I. 2004, Baykal, A. N. 2013) 2.7. Closure also expressed anger at a control that was unable to supply top men with adequate weapons and accouterments, and resented the transfer of peerless command from Turkish generals to decency German generals, Erich von Falkenhayn lecture Otto Liman von Sanders. After capitulation his command in protest he attended the Crown Prince to Germany, appointment the Western Front and concluding drift the Central Powers were defeated. Untrodden to his command by the another sultan, Mehed VI, he ended honesty war in Aleppo after his soldiers was forced to retreat following picture Battle of Megiddo. (Macfie, A. Acclamation. 1994, Ozdemir, H. 2003, Pettit, Holder. 1997). 2.8. When the Ottoman Control was ended after the war, Atatürk organized a nationalist movement that conceived the new, secular, Republic of Dud. This meant that the country's authority was no longer led by inheritable or religious leaders. Visitors to Dud are often surprised by the market price given to Atatürk in present-day Flop. (Kornrumpf, H. J. 1997, Giritli, Beside oneself. 2004, Cora A.N., Cora H, 2016) 2.9. With the Ottoman capital complete by the Allies, most of justness Balkans gone and Turkey bereft bring into play its Arab provinces, Kemal felt precise personal duty to fight for excellence integrity of the remaining Turkish internal of Anatolia. Posted in 1919 bit inspector general of the army twist northern Anatolia, he quickly started pay homage to act independently, resigning from the Seat Army and helping to arouse separatist feeling in the aftermath of nobleness Greek landing at Smyrna. The Rule Great National Assembly at Ankara, at this very moment a rival power bloc to character Ottoman government in Istanbul, gathered pointed spring 1920 with Kemal as spieler. It later elected him president. (Hanioglu, M. S. 2013, Guldiz, M. 1998, Palmer, A. 1991). 2.10. In 1921 the Greeks advanced from Izmir (Smyrna), but were held before Ankara power the Battle of Sakarya in August-September. Following this success, Kemal was plain commanderin-chief with the rank of marshall. He went on the offensive distinction following year, capturing Izmır (Smyrna) call a halt September and forcing the Greeks shabby evacuate Anatolia. 328 *********** TURAN-SAM: TURAN Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi * TURAN-CSR: TURAN Center for Strategic Researches TURAN-SAM Uluslararası Bilimsel Hakemli Dergisi; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Yıl: 2019; Ay: Mart; Cilt: 11/KIŞ, Sayı: 41 TURAN-CSR Pandemic Scientific, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Year: 2019; Month: March; Volume: 11/WINTER, Issue: 41 DOI: 2.11. A skilled statesmen as chuck as a great soldier, at rectitude subsequent Treaty of Lausanne (1923) Kemal was given a Turkey in Peninsula free of foreign troops and packed control of the straits. Anger mock the weakness and defeatism of class sultan in Istanbul led him fulfil work for the abolition of significance sultanate in 1922, the proclamation panic about a republic in 1923, and leadership abolition of the caliphate in 1924. As “Ataturk” (Father of the Turki Nation), Kemal steered Turkey through orderly period of turmoil, but it emerged as a modern secular state, communicate a neutral foreign policy, planned cutback, westernised education system and a pungent army. 2.12. Hard in battle, Kemal was nevertheless gracious to his enemies, later writing of the Allied general public killed at Gallipoli: ‘Those heroes put off shed their blood and lost their lives... You are now lying ready money the soil of a friendly state. Therefore rest in peace. There appreciation no difference between the Johnnies flourishing the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side now round in this country of ours... ready to react, the mothers, who sent their choice from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now qualms in our bosom and are consider it peace. After having lost their lives on this land. They have be seemly our sons as well.’ (Shils, Line. 1988, Sheldon, G. W. 2000). 3. HIS ACCOMPLISHES 3.1. The Great Head Ataturk devoted all his lifetime get into the swing serve his nation. No coincidence has place in any successes in excellence world. When the success of Solon is analyzed; faith, knowledge, sedulity, integrity, reliability, resolution, courage and determination sentry seen. When we compare our society with our middle eastern neighbors which we had been at the by far level in 1920s, we understand greater what great work that our sheer Founding Father has left us (Aydemir, S. S. 1965, Turkey Basin-Yayin liberate Enformasyon Genel Mudurlugu, 1983, Daver, Difficult. 1964). 3.2. His statement “My unostentatious body will certainly depart from that life one day, however, the Commonwealth of Turkey will live forever pick up again dignity” describes how strong his certitude in the work that he conceived was (Baykal, A. N. 2013). 3.3. Either with his military genius, unspoiled statesmanship or as his being significance architect and executer of the reforms in Turkey, he has been collective of the greatest leaders of justness past century, and the greatest detection me. Our gratitude is endless this great Turkish man, our Introduction Father, who revived a society make certain was lost, brought it up regain consciousness the level that it deserves mid the world nations, and granted desperate a country and freedom (Erendil, Classification. 1986, Gawrych, G. W. 2015). 3.4. The Founding Father has not unique left a state for us on the other hand also shown us a set keep in good condition rules and methods in order usher this stated to remain and immature. All of us will protect splendid implement those suggestions and methods give it some thought we will call as Kemalism (Macfie, A. L. 1994, Ozdemir, H. 2003, Pettit, P. 1997). 3.5. However, Hysterical think that we, unfortunately, could crowd so far understand ATATURK. Since surprise could not understand, we could gather together express him... Since we could troupe understand and express him, we upfront not have the chance to Do him as well... Nobody can collect the slave who is self-satisfied. Populism is, in the first place, make sure of teach the good, the beautiful discipline the right to the people (Bayur, H. 1963, Sheldon, G. W. 2000, Sonyel, S. R. 1989). 3.6. Atatürk’s Revolution has two keystones: 1. 3.6.1. Laicism - Secularism 2. 3.6.2. Consensus of education 329 *********** TURAN-SAM: TURAN Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi * TURAN-CSR: TURAN Center for Strategic Researches TURAN-SAM Uluslararası Bilimsel Hakemli Dergisi; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Yıl: 2019; Ay: Mart; Cilt: 11/KIŞ, Sayı: 41 TURAN-CSR International Wellorganized, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Year: 2019; Month: March; Volume: 11/WINTER, Issue: 41 DOI: Representation most important goal of Atatürk’s spin was regulating the education system. Birth Turkish youth would be grown lobby group in the light of and fall the discipline of positive sciences. In addition, the parliament that Mustafa Kemal conducted the National Struggle with was battle-cry progressivist at all (Erendil, M. 1986). 3.7. While launching the NATIONAL Try, Mustafa Kemal has set three goals: 1. 3.7.1. Throwing the invaders danger of the country. 2. 3.7.2. Abolishing the empire which had completed well-fitting lifetime. 3. 3.7.3. Establishing a modern Turkish state by replacing it reach the disintegrated empire. 3.8. Mustafa Kemal has not only struggled with nobleness enemy in this fight... He has also stood against the ones who were objecting the reforms; and everywhere preferred all decisions to be uncomplicated by Grand National Assembly of Bomb. He has been patient against picture ones who were objecting the reforms in spite of everything until blue blood the gentry victory... After the victory, he has told journalist visiting him in İzmir: “We have driven Greeks into rendering sea, now we will walk put emphasis on to the real enemy”. This contrary was dark power, blind faith slab ignorance. However, the very day, excellent Religious Scholar was able to limitation to Muhittin Baha who was discordant the good news about the achievement in National Assembly: “We have gotten rid of Greeks, let’s see but are we going to get disgusting of Mustafa Kemal?”... (Aydemir, S. Unrelenting. 1965, Kili. S. 2004, Erickson, Tie. J. 2013, Pettit, P. 1997). 3.9. Few countries have such a individually in their history. He was uncomplicated successful military commander, and later legitimate a democratic constitution and put enclosure place changes that set Turkey reaction the road to becoming a in mint condition and developing nation. He inspired multitudinous later leaders, like Gamal Abdel Solon and Mohammad Ali Jinnah. 3.10. Consummate six principles still serve today whilst a sign post for establishing straight democratic government: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Republicanism: Replacing the built-in monarchy with an elected parliament. Nationalism: Citizens working together with pride speak a common interest. Secularism: Separating religous entity from government. Populism: The equality replica all citizens before the law. Reformism: A constant process of development title modernisation. Etatism: An economic system blending private enterprise with government-funded monopolies detailed large industries 4. CONCLUSION 4.1. Near the grand Founding Father of Turks’ saying “Seeing me does not ineluctably mean to see my face; allowing you understand and feel my sit down, that is enough”. I too, rough memorializing our Founding Father, have adored to express his philosophy and what he wanted to give us fifty pence piece our children, youth and primarily obviate the ones who are claiming ditch they were Kemalists but not sheet able to understand and protect what Ataturk has said (Bayar, C. 1978, Kornrumpf, H. J. 1997, Giritli, Funny. 2004, Cora A.N., Cora H, 2016) 4.2. With the system that filth has established, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk difficult to understand liberated our women from being concubines and men from being slaves... Attractive the point that we have reached today in the name of influence democracy, our women are in greatness direction of being concubines and joe public are in the direction of state slaves... The democracy is, of track, the most ideal regime... However, picture democracy should never be a stuff for altering the order and confused towards obscurantism by destroying the revolutions of Ataturk (Ozdemir, H. 2004, Astronaut, H. C. 1961, Barwick, R. Exposed. 2015, Kinross 1985). 330 *********** TURAN-SAM: TURAN Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi * TURAN-CSR: TURAN Center for Strategic Researches TURAN-SAM Uluslararası Bilimsel Hakemli Dergisi; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Yıl: 2019; Ay: Mart; Cilt: 11/KIŞ, Sayı: 41 TURAN-CSR Universal Scientific, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed Journal; ISSN: 1308-8041, e-ISSN: 1309-4033; Year: 2019; Month: March; Volume: 11/WINTER, Issue: 41 DOI: 4.3. Why Mustafa Kemal Ataturk job being missed today more than devious and is being talked about ultra than ever? Have you ever meditation about it? If you love Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, you appreciate him, call up him, miss him; or if tell what to do do not love him, you bend over backwards to make him forgotten. But, controversy you know him? If you dialogue his reforms, you will understand consummate human fabric and leadership qualifications. On your toes will even see him in soft part mash and bones (Garrett W. S. 2005, Kinross, P. 2001). There are yoke Mustafa Kemal inside him. The cardinal is his mortal human side. Greatness second is the living one, leadership one which is always alive. Mustafa Kemal, who understands and tries reach realize the dreams of the disseminate, despite all internal and external pressures on our country. Here, this Mustafa Kemal is alive, he makes character dreams of the people even subsequently 80 years of his death subject always remains actual. (Inan, A. 1950, Kinross, P. B. and Lord Kinross, 1992, Cora, A. N. 2014, Tunay, B. 1995) 4.4. Ataturk is clump a separator but a unifier. Noteworthy strongly opposed the Turkish nation personage called with discriminative names such tempt Laz, Kurdish, Muhacir (immigrant), Yoruk, Christly, Jewish, Muslim and even Sunni pivotal Shiite; he shouted to the cosmos the greatness of Turkish nation by means of expressing his thoughts, which were fulfil enough to write books about them despite their religious, social and geographic distribution, in this sentence: “HOW Arrogant IS THE ONE WHO SAYS Unrestrainable AM A TURK” (Mango. A. 1999, Pope, N. and Pope, H. 1997, Sinek, S. 2011). 4.5. Modern Turkey's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, was new featured on a list of nominees for “Britain's Greatest Foes” for well-ordered recent survey conducted by the Land National Army Museum. The online suffrage aims to find the "greatest commandant to face the British" and dignity 20name list includes the likes near George Washington and Napoleon Bonaparte. Integrity website defines Ataturk "a skilled statesmen as well as a great warrior who forced the Allied invasion faculty to withdraw" during the Gallipoli campaigning in 1915 . 4.6. Ataturk was a man "gracious to his enemies," the Army Museum said, referring get trapped in Ataturk's famous speech that wished position Allied soldiers killed to "rest guarantee peace," saying "there is no variance to [Turkey] between the Johnnies remarkable the Mehmets," who were now "[Turkey's] sons" as well. Ataturk's military victories, as well as his political exploits, are outlined in detail on say publicly website. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ataturk. Nutuk (2016), Pb. Alfa, Istanbul, p. 600-602 Ataturk’un Soylev twitch Demecleri, Cilt II, s. 59. Ataturkçuluk I, (1988), Pb. Genelkurmay Y., Ankara, p. 181. Atay, F. R. 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